TV Shows
Diamond Sutra By Acharya Nagajiva
Newest Episode: 9
The diamond sutra talks were hosted by sunya teacher Dr. Lim Siow Jin, CEO and founder of DXN, Sunyatee Dr. Rajesh Savera, Director of Sunyatee International Foundation. Diamond Sutra is the teachings of Buddha. It is one of the fascinating sutras, which is almost shattered, called the Vajrachadika Pragyaparamitha Sutra.
Shang Han Lun by Acharya Nagajiva
Newest Episode: 9
Dr. Lim Siow Jin discusses Shang Han Lun, a 200-year-old book that contains all of the Chinese traditional medicine cures. This ancient Chinese medicinal pact is a more advanced kind of Ganotherapy that is far more beneficial in today's medical profession.